Thursday 16 November 2017

The Do's and Don'ts during Pregnancy

The Do's of Pregnancy

Do Get Your Screenings Regularly
 First- and second-trimester tests can analyze hormone levels in your blood, and an ultrasound can look for markers that may suggest a fetus with a chromosomal abnormality. The odds of having a baby with Down Syndrome (DS) increase as you age, and by 35, the risk of having a baby with DS is about equal to losing the fetus as a result of the procedure: 1 in 400. However, in 2007, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) began recommending that women be offered screenings to assess a baby's Down syndrome risk

Do Gain Weight the Smart Way
Obese moms are at greater risk for gestational diabetes and hypertension, which can lead to serious problems. Their babies also tend to be larger, which can cause difficulties during delivery. Plus, gaining too much in pregnancy sets you and your baby up for weight problems later on in life.
Check  out what you should put on:
Prepregnancy BMI
Recommended Gestational Weight
Gain Singleton
Recommended Gestational Weight
= <18.5
12.5 - 18 kg
28 - 40 pounds

= 18.5-24.9
Normal weight
11.5 - 16  kg
25 - 35  pounds
17 - 25 kg
37 - 54 pounds
= 25-29.9
7 - 11.5 kg
15 - 25 pounds
14 - 23 kg
31 - 50 pounds
30 -34.9
Obese- Class I
5 - 9 kg
11 - 20 pounds
11 - 19 kg
25 - 42 pounds
35 - 39.9
Obese- Class II

40 and above
Obese- Class III

Reference : Rasmussen KM ed et al. Weight Gain During Pregnancy: Reexamining the Guidelines Institute of Medicine; National Research Council 2009. p 252, 254

Do Visit Your Dentist
Fluctuating hormone levels can cause expecting moms to develop pregnancy gingivitis (swollen, bleeding gums). Left untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontal disease, which raises your risk for low birth weight and premature delivery seven fold, according to the American Academy of Periodontology.

Do Work Out Wisely
When you work out, blood flow shifts to send more oxygen to your muscles, lungs, and heart. Too-strenuous activity can restrict oxygen from the uterus.
Low-impact exercise, such as walking or stationary cycling, at least five days a week for 30 min is recommended. This helps in keeping your weight in check, it can ease constipation, insomnia, lower back pain, and other pregnancy discomforts while building stamina for labor and delivery.

Do Stop Smoking
Babies born to puffers have up to three times the risk for SIDS. Smoking leads to a whole host of complications, such as low birth weight, premature delivery, miscarriage, birth defects, and still birth

Do Abstain From Alcohol
Alcohol crosses the placenta and can cause birth defects.

Do Take Prenatal Vitamins
Prenatal Vitamins are essential for the proper development of the foetus and a healthy baby.

Do Avoid Hot Bathe
They can raise your body temperature as high as 102°, which may disrupt fetal development and can double the risk for miscarriage

Do Get a Flu Vaccine
When you're pregnant, the flu can be especially severe, even deadly. Moreover by vaccination will protect your baby from influenza for up to six months.

Do Avoid People With Infectious Diseases
Your immune system is lower when pregnant so you will tend to pick up every cold and bug doing the rounds.
The Don'ts of Pregnancy

Don’t Consume Raw, Unpasteurized or Processed Foods
Raw, unpasteurized, or processed foods may contain Listeria bacteria, which can be fatal for your fetus. However, pasteurized juices and dairy items are safe.

Don't Drink Too Much Coffee
In moderation, caffeine doesn't appear to cause miscarriage or preterm birth. But having more than 200 mg of caffeine daily doubles the risk for miscarriage, according to a study from Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, in Oakland, California. If you've miscarried previously, stick to the old advice: "Don't consume anything caffeinated."

Don't Choose to Deliver Early
There are bona fide reasons to deliver early: having twins, the baby's in distress, or your health is at risk. Infants that are large due to Mom's blood sugar levels are especially at risk for health issues related to prematurity.

Don’t Consume Seafood
Some seafood is loaded with mercury and other contaminants which can cause serious abnormalities in the fetus.

Don’t Take Drugs
Cannabis, ecstasy, ketamine, cocaine or other illegal drugs cross the placenta. This increases the risk of pregnancy complications and foetal abnormalities.

Don’t Change Cat’s Litter Tray
Cat faeces can carry a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, an infection that is serious for your baby.

Monday 13 November 2017

Common Do’s and Don’ts for Cough

Do’s for Cough
Sneeze into a tissue or handkerchief covering the mouth to prevent spreading of the germs
Wash your hands often with soap and disinfectant to avoid infection
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unclean or soiled tissues or hands
Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and eat healthy and fresh fruits and vegetables to build immunity
Keep your distance from people to prevent spreading of cold and cough
Take medicines regularly as prescribed by your doctor
Protect your body with warm clothes in winter
Don’ts for Cough
Do not consume chilled water, ice cream, cold drinks.
Do not consume milk or Diary products
Do not consume sugarcane as it increases cough.
Do not consume oily foods
Do not share cups, glasses or utensils among family members, especially during peak cold and flu seasons.

To Get Relieve From Cough Symptoms
Drink plenty of fluids.
Get adequate rest in a well-ventilated room.
Use a vaporizer to increase the humidity in the air, this loosens mucus and relieve a dry throat.
Cover your nose and mouth with your hands while coughing or sneezing; wash your hands frequently to avoid the spread of germs.
Use paper tissues that you can toss after use instead of cloth handkerchiefs to avoid giving the virus to others.

Consult a healthcare professional for additional information.

Saturday 11 November 2017

Common Do’s and Don’ts for Patients after Cataract Surgery

Do’s for Patients after Cataract Surgery

  1. ·         Use your eye drops on the schedule as provided by your ophthalmologist.
  2. ·         Do resume light daily activities such as walking.
  3. ·         Do start light physical activity.
  4. ·         Do wear your protective eye covering while you sleep and avoid sleeping on the side that has been operated on.
  5. ·         Bathe and shower with your eyes closed. It is advised to have an attendant while bathing and shower.
  6. ·         One can shave after 4th day of the surgery.
  7. ·         The attendant should carefully wash his/her hands well with soap and water before applying postoperative eye medications in the affected eye of the patient.
  8. ·         If your eyes are uncomfortable in bright light it is advised to wear dark spectacles.
  9. ·         Apply the eye drops in the lower and inner part of the patient's lower eyelid.
  10. ·         Do use the eye shield as instructed. Wear the supplied shield at night over the operated eye for two weeks after the operation. This protects the eye from accidental damage during sleep. Use adhesive tape to keep the shield in position. The shield is reusable but should be washed with soap and water before each use.

Don’ts for Patients after Cataract Surgery

  1. ·         Don't rub the eye with your hand as this can cause infection or dislodge any stitches (rarely used in modern cataract surgery). If the eye waters or itches, wipe it gently with a clean tissue or better still sterile, moist cotton swab.
  2. ·         Do not wash the eye with normal water for at least 10 days.
  3. ·         Do not read for one week
  4. ·         Do not drive for 24 hours after surgery.
  5. ·         Do not play with children for a month to avoid any possible injury.
  6. ·         Do not lift heavy weights or do strenuous physical exercises, but you may bend as when tying your shoe laces or picking up object from the floor.
  7. ·         Avoid deep and straining coughing, sneezing while passing stools for a month.
  8. ·         Do not touch the tip or nozzle of the bottle of medicine. Keep the bottle at a safe distance from the eye.

Friday 10 November 2017

The Do's & Don'ts for People with Spinal Deformities due to Lumbar Spondylosis

The Do’s  for managing Lumbar Spondylosis are as follows:

Do Stay Well Hydrated: Ideally, it's best to drink plenty of water to keep the body well hydrated. But, if you've found that you finished your workout and haven't had anything to drink, take the time to focus on drinking at least eight ounces of water immediately, then plenty more throughout the day.

Do Exercise Regularly - Exercise is beneficial for strengthening our core muscles and spines but the exercise will be different in case of the patient suffering from lumbar spondylosis as compared to the person who has a healthier spine. It is advised to take rest when there is acute pain.

Do Think Outside The Box To Stay Fit And Active: The heavy, clunky machines at the gym are not recommended options for exercise for those with spinal deformity. Remember to try yoga, aerobics, Pilates and other stretching moves, some of which are designed specifically for building and stabilizing the core, an important area of focus for anyone with lumbar spondylosis.

Do Take Breaks: If you require sitting for long hours, sitting only for short period, taking breaks in between. Place a supportive towel roll at the belt line of your back when sitting.

Do Sleep On Firm Surface: Sleep on a good firm surface to avoid any sprain in the spine. Try sleeping on your side with your knees slightly bent and a comfortable pillow placed between the knees, this helps to avoid exerting the back.

The Don’ts for managing Lumbar Spondylosis are as follows:

Don’t Bend Spine During Daily Chores: Keep your back straight when performing activities like vacuuming, sweeping, etc.

Don't Overdo Exercise: While exercise is important for back pain relief and those who suffer from spinal deformities, knowing when to stop is essential. In fact, overdoing any one type of exercise for too many repetitions or too long a duration of time may cause further damage and pain.

Don't Do High Impact Exercise: If you're new to an exercise routine, it is recommended to stick with lower impact activities if you've been diagnosed with a spinal deformity. Running and high-impact aerobics can be fine for many with spinal challenges, but they can also put undue amounts of stress on a spine which can deteriorate the condition.

Don’t Lift Heavy Objects: Bending forward or down in lifting or keeping things cause put stress which is already facing a challenge. It is better to avoid and restrict such movements. Lift heavy loads as a team and not alone.

Don’t Move During Inflammation: Avoid too much movement and restrict your activities as much as possible till the inflammation undergoes healing.

Don’t Try To Exercise Without Your Therapist: Do not perform any exercises without the guidance of your therapist or your doctor as this can cause muscle sprain and do more harm than good.

Don’t Self Medicate: Do not self-medicate yourself and do not neglect your medications and physiotherapy exercises and consult with the doctors and therapists regularly.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Do's and Don'ts for Battling Against Breast Cancer

The do’s for the battle against Breast Cancer are as follows:

  1. DO give the patient a lot of water and to stay hydrated- Water is the most essential nutrient for them. Try adding lemon or lime slices for flavor.
  2. DO give the patient to eat “mixed” food for breakfast such as those containing a little carbohydrate, a little protein and a little fat and try to take balanced diet
  3. DO give the patient to eat less fat- Of the fat you do eat, consume a higher proportion from plant oils like olive oil and canola oil and less of saturated animal fat
  4. DO give the patient increased amount of fiber in your diet- It helps in daily “detoxification” of the colon to maintain good health. High-quality fibers such as psyllium seed, psyllium husk, oat bran, mucilages, gums and pectin should be found on the label of the product you choose. Remember to drink more water while increasing fiber in your diet
  5. DO give the patient to eat nutrient dense foods everyday- Regular consumption of yogurt, deep orange vegetables (carrots, squash, sweet potatoes), vegetables in the cabbage family, tomatoes, citrus fruit and dark green leafy vegetables helps in increasing the body immunity.
  6. Call often just to check in with patient- The patients understand that it is a serious problem but also will trust you if any problem arise.
  7. Do spread love and enjoyment in the patient’s life -Schedule a date to drop by with a funny movie or some amusements to keep the spirit high

The dont’s for the battle against Breast Cancer are as follows:

  1. DON’T rely on pills for nutrition.  Supplements should be taken with good food, not instead of good food.
  2. DON’T let the patient get dehydrated. If urine is deep in color or has a strong odor, patient needs to drink more water.
  3. DON’T give sugary foods to patients in the morning. A burst of refined sugar on an empty stomach will trigger a flood of insulin which will suppress the immune system, and feed any abnormal cells which are common in everyone’s body.
  4. DON’T eat daily amounts of corn oil and soybean oil, especially if hydrogenated. These fats are immune suppressive and according to research hydrogenated fats increase free radicals which are destructive to cells.
  5. DON’T expect to get more fiber by eating iceberg or head lettuce, it has miniscule amounts of fiber. The same with white grapes, corn, cucumbers and celery. Some quick, simple high-fiber foods are dried figs, bananas, raisins, prunes, fresh oranges and dried dates – a good substitute for a candy bar.
  6. DON’T show casual sympathy for the patient- Admit what you know and what you don’t, and try to communicate with understanding, as the patient already knows the seriousness of the disease. 
  7. DON’T make statements that invalidate her fear. Her fear is real and justified
  8. DON’T make the mistake of ignoring her.  Loneliness is a major culprit in depression.  It’s hard to accept that the world might go on without being a part of it.  When everyone stays away, those feelings escalate and fear takes hold. Find ways to be proactive in your support.

Do's and Don'ts for Emergency actions in Epilepsy or Epileptic Seizure Case

If you see a person having an epileptic seizure, please do not turn away and do try to help him/he. The measures to be adopted in case you see a person suffering from a seizure are as follows:

Do’s in Epilepsy

·         Keep calm and have patience. Focus on your goal — to keep the person safe until the seizure stops
·         Prevent the patient from injuring himself or herself
·         Prevent the fall of the person onto the ground. If the person is seated, try to gently pull him onto a flat surface so he does not fall.
·         Loosen their tight clothing; remove the spectacles, necktie, belts etc.
·         Cushion their head so that it is not injured. A pillow, a folded jacket, or a sweater offers protection.
·         Clear away any sharp or hard objects to avoid cuts and bruises.
·         When the seizure is over, turn them on their side to prevent choking. This clears the airways by allowing saliva to flow out of the mouth.
·         After the seizures stops turn the patient to a side and wipe the froth from his mouth.
·         Someone with epilepsy should be wearing a medical bracelet or card containing emergency contact information for identification, what medications he takes, and any drug allergies.

Don’ts in Epilepsy

·         Do not panic and do not be afraid.
·         Do not insert spoon or any such articles into the mouth during seizure.
·         Do not restrict convulsive movements as it may cause fracture.
·         Do not try to insert a gag in the mouth it may cause difficulty in breathing.
·         Do not crowd around the patient.
·         Do not give water or any other liquid till he is fully consciousness.
·         Do not try and physically hold the person, this may injure both the person and the helper.
·         Medical aid is usually not required except in case of the person being in water and drowning is a danger then mouth to mouth resuscitation maybe required. The duration of the seizure is usually not more than 2-3 minutes after which the person enters a state of deep sleep.

·         Don’t attempt cardio pulmonary respiration or artificial respiration unless the person is not breathing when the seizure has stopped.

Do’s and Don’ts for prevention of Liver Cirrhosis

Do’s for the prevention of Liver Cirrhosis

Avoid Processed Foods
Processed foods are full of many ingredients and chemicals including saturated fats and oils that are unhealthy for your body.
Drink lots of water
Drinking water removes any waste in the body and is ideal for transporting essential nutrients throughout the body. If water deficiency  your liver will struggle to remove the toxins in your body, and it will make blood harder for it to filter. Therefore, Staying well hydrated will ensure your liver can function correctly and it can detoxicate your body.
Drink coffee in moderation
You might be surprised to know that drinking your daily coffee can help prevent you from getting liver disease. Therefore, you could drink coffee on a daily basis to help prevent your liver from getting this disease. Of course, it doesn’t mean you should have a coffee full of sugar–stick to black coffee with non-dairy milk to ensure you stay healthy while protecting your liver.
Eat organic foods
Organic food has fewer chemicals that your liver has to work to remove from your body. It has no added hormones or antibiotics.
Avoid prolonged use of painkillers
You can also keep your liver healthy by making sure you avoid prolonged use of painkillers in your life. When you are taking too many painkillers, your liver can struggle to remove toxins from your body. Also, the acetaminophen found in painkillers can cause liver failure if you are  taking too many pills. Therefore, you need to make sure you are only using painkillers while your body needs it.
Eat turmeric and walnuts
Turmeric and walnuts are ideal for cleansing your liver and helping it to function properly. Walnuts contain high levels of I-arginine which can help detoxify the liver, and keeps the blood flowing. Turmeric is also one of the greatest foods for maintaining a healthy liver. It protects the liver against toxic damage and can even boost bile and help damaged liver cells.
 Have green tea
Green tea eliminates liver fat and ensures the liver is functioning correctly. It can also protect the liver against toxins which can cause harm to your body.
Eat more fruit
Apples and grapefruit both contain nutrients which are ideal for optimal liver function. Apples contain nutrients which help to release toxins and clean the body. Grapefruit is full of antioxidants which also help the liver clean the body.
Use organic oils
Use organic oils such as olive, coconut, or avocado in your cooking and salads. Avoid seed based oils like corn oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, vegetable oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, which are high in Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Drink lemon water
Lemons are full of vitamin C, which can help to remove toxins from our body.
Add garlic to your diet
Garlic is great for your liver as it has allicin and selenium, which both work to cleanse your liver. It also can help to flush out any toxins in your body.
Exercise regularly
Try and do at least 20 minutes of exercise every day to help you to keep your body functioning properly, and at an optimal weight.
Cut back on alcohol
Consuming too much alcohol is one of the most common ways you can end up with liver disease and cirrhosis. It can cause damage to your liver cells, and reduces the liver’s ability to remove toxins from your body.
Do take three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine.

 It gives more than 90 per cent protection against the Hepatitis B virus. It contributes to 30 per cent of all cases of liver cirrhosis and 53 per cent of all cases of primary liver cancer globally. Hepatitis B & C are preventable diseases.

Check your weight, blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides. 

These increase the risk of NAFLD (Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) which may progress to liver cirrhosis in 10 to 15 per cent of cases. Fatty liver can be diagnosed by a simple ultrasound examination of the liver.

Don’ts for the prevention of Liver Cirrhosis
Do not eat high-calorie junk food.
This increases the risk of developing NAFLD.

Do not inject illicit drugs, as contaminated needles could cause infection and lead to HIV, Hepatitis B & C.

Not all OTC (over the counter) drugs are safe. 

Even paracetamol, if taken in excessive doses, may cause acute liver failure and even death.
Do not ignore prolonged jaundice in a new born.
EHBA (Extra Hepatic Biliary Atresia ) is a congenital defect of the bile ducts, which needs surgery, and is the common indication for liver transplantation in children.
Avoid smoking.
If you already have chronic liver disease or cirrhosis, it may aggravate liver damage.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Do's and Don'ts for Battle Against Obesity

  1. Eat more vegetables. Do add them at every meal.
  2. Drink plenty of water especially when you can become hungry. Make sure that you drink warm water mostly.. Warm water stimulates metabolism and also quenches thirst.
  3. Try eating off smaller plates so as to eat smaller portions
  4. Exercise between 30 minutes to one hour each day with moderate exercise –aerobics, brisk walking, team sport, cycling or swimming.
  5. Consume low fat foods. Reducing the intake of fats and calories is a must and one of the first steps to reduce weight
  6. Take small meals after every few hours instead of three huge meals.
  7. Control the craving for foods rich in carbohydrates and fats. They are the biggest sources of fats. Try to avoid fried foods
  8. Consume a lot of citrus fruits like oranges and grapes as they help in dispensing fats.
  9. Include foods rich in VitmainB12 in your diet. it helps in building tissues without needing you to resorting to too much fats.
  10. One should avoid alcohol. Alcohol is high on calories and also stimulates hunger. It also leads to failing of physiological mechanism that makes us feel full.

  1. A balanced diet is always helpful but overeating is not.
  2. Do not eat late dinners. Go for a walk after dinner.
  3. Do not change your diet timings too often
  4. Do not skip any meals.
  5. Avoid intake of diary products like milk, cheese, ghee and ice cream with high calorific values
  6. Do not Sleep during daytime
  7. Do not consume too many sweets and chocolates, as they are rich in carbohydrates.
  8. Do not eat street foods or junk foods with preservatives and artificial sweeteners.
  9. Do not rely on soft drinks, sweetened cereals, cookies and cakes, donuts and pastries, chips, and confectionery to get you through the day.
  10. Don't skip meals. This will tempt you to snack and DO NOT snack between meals
  11. Avoid eating quickly. Sit and chew each bite.
  12. Don't eat more than two or three pieces of fruit per day

The Do's and Don'ts during Pregnancy

The Do's of Pregnancy Do Get Your Screenings Regularly   First- and second-trimester tests can analyze hormone levels in your bl...